Political violence and terrorism
Political violence and terrorism
Our dedicated team have a wealth of experience in structuring and placing US and International terrorism risk programmes.

We pride ourselves on offering bespoke contract wording solutions where necessary for the individual needs and demands of our assureds – providing greater clarity to coverage through clear, unambiguous language. Utilising technology, our talented brokers and technicians strive to ensure that these wordings continue to provide the broadest coverage in a fast-evolving insurance market.
We collaborate with Terrorism insurers to develop and adapt products to meet the volatile and unpredictable nature of terrorist and malicious acts for the following exposures:
- Terrorism and sabotage
- Political violence
- Strikes, riots, civil commotion
- Active assailant / malicious attack
- Cyber terrorism write back for ensuing physical damage (including malicious) via sub limit
- Terrorism liability
Coverage can include:
- Physical damage to scheduled property assets and stocks
- Business interruption and extra expenses (following property damage trigger)
- Contingent business interruption (denial of access)
- Terrorism liability
- Threat coverage: evacuation or prevention of access, security and PR consultancy costs.
Clients needing war, political violence or terrorism insurance coverage range from small companies with single asset exposure to multinational companies with global locations. No matter how big or small, our trusted team are here to help, contact us today.