Price Forbes manages risks in all sectors of the aerospace industry, negotiating large and complex risks with markets around the world.

Our Aviation team provides tailored solutions for all aerospace-associated risks including:
- General aviation, corporate jets and helicopter operators
- Regional airline carriers, cargo operators and aircraft lessors
- Airport owners, operators, and product manufacturers, infrastructure and related service providers
- Satellite operators, launch agencies, manufacturers and related service providers
We’re proud of our reputation in the aerospace industry. Our team has the collective technical expertise and global marketing skills to support all areas of the aerospace industry, delivering solutions from transactional broking to claims and risk advisory services.
Aviation expertise:
- Cargo Airlines
- Flag Carriers
- Leasing Companies
- Major Airlines
- Regional Airlines
- Air navigation service providers(ATNS)
- Airport Service Providers and refuellers
- Airports
- Contractors
- Hangarkeepers
- Maintenance, repair and overhaul providers (MROs)
- Major and component part manufacturers
General Aviation
- Corporate Jets and turbo prop aircraft
- Fixed base operators (FBOs)
- Fixed Wing Operators
- Governmental, police and Military Fleets
- Helicopter Operators
- Private Aircraft Owners
- Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs)
Aviation coverages:
With the expertise to place complex programmes, manage intricate challenges, and the people to negotiate market leading quotes, we provide the right leadership, range of capabilities, and services to meet your needs.
We define risk, design solutions and deliver results. Our clients span the whole aviation industry including aircraft owners, operators, service providers, manufacturers and airports.
- Air Navigation Service Providers (ANSPs)
- Aircraft hull and liability
- Aircraft hull war risks
- Airport liability
- Airport security, contractors and service providers
- Contingent covers for banks, lessors and financing organisations
- Cover for executive jet owners’ and operators’ risks
- Cover for Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul organisations (MROs)
- Cover for unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs, drones)
- Ground handlers
- Hangarkeepers liability
- Helicopter fleets and individual helicopter owners
- Personal accident cover
- Pilot loss of license
- Premises liability and airside vehicle cover
- Product Liability
- Refuellers
- War, Terrorism and Political Risks
Technical Advice and Services
By listening to your requirements, Price Forbes Aviation is able to provide advice and support so that you can make informed decisions helping you to manage your risk, reduce costs and drive growth.
Coverage enhancements, advice and advocacy:
- Review your current coverage, highlighting areas for improvement.
- As many coverage enhancements as possible at no additional premium.
- A strong advocate for you on market technical committees working to proactively create industry wide coverage enhancements.
Negotiations and insurance placement:
- Data collection.
- Define risks to be insured, claims profile, potential (re)insurers and reinsurers and programme structure options.
- Design and define strategy and action plan for placement.
- Transition open claims.
- Prepare and submit presentation to (re)insurers.
Aviation contract review and analysis:
- Assist clients with all aspects of contractual review – including Leases, Finance Contracts, Maintenance and Ground Handling Agreements and specific contracts with International Agencies.
- Our advice includes review of insurance and indemnity provisions to ensure policy coverage aligns with contractual exposures –and where possible we optimise indemnity language.
Cover confirmation and Certification:
- Issue Evidence of Cover documentation to clients, local (re)insurers, airport authorities, CAAs, banks, financiers and lessors.
- Prepare, issue and review Certificates and LOIs.
- Advocacy services where we directly negotiate on your behalf with lawyers, financiers, lessors, airport authorities and manufacturers to help achieve your objectives.